Liverpool Oratorio

Paul Mc Cartney

Album – 1991

Liste des titres


Disc 1
Movement I – War: Andante (Orchestra)Movement I – War: ‘Non nobis solum’
Movement I – War: ‘The Air Raid Siren Slices Through…’
Movement I – War: ‘Oh Will It All End Here?’
Movement I – War: ‘Mother And Father Holding Their Child’
Movement II – School: ‘We’re Here In School Today To Get A Perfect Education’
Movement II – School: ‘Walk In Single File Out Of The Classroom’
Movement II – School: ‘Settle Down’
Movement II – School: ‘Kept In Confusion’
Movement II – School: ‘I’ll Always Be Here’
Movement II – School: ‘Boys, This Is Your Teacher’
Movement II – School: ‘Tres conejos’
Movement II – School: ‘Not For Ourselves’ (Headmaster, Miss Inkley, Shanty)
Movement III – Crypt: ‘And So It Was That I Had Grown’
Movement III – Crypt: Dance
Movement III – Crypt: ‘I Used To Come Here When This Place Was A Crypt’
Movement III – Crypt: ‘Here Now’
Movement III – Crypt: ‘I’ll Always Be Here’
Movement III – Crypt: ‘Now’s The Time To Tell Him’ (Mary Dee, Shanty)
Movement IV – Father: Andante Lamentoso
Movement IV – Father: ‘O Father, You Have Given…’2Movement IV – Father: ‘(Ah)’
Movement IV – Father: ‘Hey, Wait A Minute’
Movement IV – Father: ‘Father, Father, Father’
Disc 2
Movement V: Wedding: Andante Amoroso – ‘I Know I Should Be Glad Of This’ (Shanty, Mary Dee)
Movement V: Wedding: ‘Father, Hear Our Humble Voices’
Movement V: Wedding: ‘Hosanna, Hosanna’
Movement VI: Work: Allegro Energico
Movement VI: Work: ‘Working Women At The Top’
Movement VI: Work: Violin Solo
Movement VI: Work: ‘Did I Sign The Letter…’
Movement VI: Work: Tempo I
Movement VI: Work: ‘When You Ask A Working Man’
Movement VI: Work: ‘Let’s Find Ourselves A Little Hostelry’
Movement VII: Crises: Allegro Molto
Movement VII: Crises: ‘The World You’re Coming Into’
Movement VII: Crises: Tempo I
Movement VII:
Crises: ‘Where’s My Dinner?’
Movement VII: Crises: ‘Let’s Not Argue’
Movement VII: Crises: ‘I’m Not A Slave’
Movement VII: Crises: ‘Right! That’s It!’
Movement VII: Crises: ‘Stop. Wait.’
Movement VII: Crises: ‘Do You Know Who You Are…’
Movement VII: Crises: ‘Ghosts Of The Past Left Behind’
Movement VII: Crises: ‘Do We Live In A World…’
Movement VIII: Peace: ‘And So It Was That You Were Born’
Movement VIII: Peace: ‘God Is Good’
Movement VIII: Peace: ‘What People Want Is A Family Life’
Movement VIII: Peace: ‘Dad’s In The Garden’
Movement VIII: Peace: ‘So On And On The Story Goes’

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